Discover the important precautions you should take with your car.
For many, the car is another very important member of the family. For others, it’s just a way of getting around. It doesn’t really matter what your car is to you, the fact is that, like almost everything else you own, it needs looking after.
It’s worth remembering that far beyond aesthetics, keeping a car looking perfect is a matter of safety for you and your family. A well-maintained car also means a safe car!
Among the myths and truths, there are some tips that can really help to preserve your car and avoid unnecessary expenses.
The Care Your Car Needs
1) Pay attention to engine oil
Engine oil is responsible for cleaning, cooling and lubricating the car’s engine.
So pay close attention to the indicators that it’s time to change it. There are usually stickers on the windshield with the date on which the oil should be changed. Even so, it’s best to check the car’s handbook and read the specification carefully. The tip is to go to an authorized dealer to have the oil changed.
2) Know the right tire gauge
Did you know that keeping your tires inflated significantly helps save fuel? What’s more, it prevents the tires from overheating and wearing out prematurely. If you don’t know the correct tire size for your car, take a look at the manual. The information is also engraved on the car door and on the side of each tire, varying according to the model and the weight the vehicle carries.
3) Align and balance at the right time
You should align and balance your car every 10,000 kilometers or after changing the tires. Doing this at the right time makes you ride safer. Tires that sing at low speeds, imprecise steering and strong vibrations in the steering wheel are signs that it’s time to align and balance your car.
4) Only use original parts
When replacing car parts, always opt for original models. Using generic parts can cause mechanical problems for the vehicle, in addition to the possible loss of warranty.
5) Avoid engine wear
To do this, keep an eye on the rev counter. Driving with the rev counter too high, i.e. above the red line, or too low, such as 40 km/h in fourth or fifth gear, can cause premature wear or even engine breakdown.
6) Don’t let the car boil
Every car tells you when it’s too hot. If your car’s thermometer indicates overheating, the ideal thing to do is to stop the vehicle in a safe place, open the hood and wait for the car to cool down. Next, check the water tank – it may be too low.
Be careful when doing this, as the reservoir contains high-pressure steam water which, when sprayed, can cause serious burns. Remember that it is also important to check the cooling system, which must be maintained with a specific additive to preserve the parts. You should change it every 10,000 kilometers, always at the dealership.
7) Keep the car clean
Cleanliness is not just an aesthetic issue, it’s a health issue! Dirty cars contain bacteria, fungi and dust mites that are harmful to the human body. If you leave the car dirty on the outside, the paintwork is compromised and badly stained.
8) Take your foot off the clutch
Driving with your foot on the clutch compromises this part of the vehicle, causing it to wear out or break prematurely.
9) Take your hand off the gear
It may seem harmless, but driving with your hand in gear puts even a small amount of pressure on the selector. Over time, the gearbox starts to make noises. Remember that, like the clutch, the gearshift is only used to change gears.
10) Keep an eye on seat belts
Seat belts are compulsory accessories for both those in the back and those in the front, so make sure they are always properly maintained. Always check that the couplings and attachment points are secure. The straps must be sewn together and free of gaps.
It is also important to pay attention to the mechanisms, which must be constantly lubricated. The maintenance and upkeep of seat belts also includes regular cleaning, which can be done with a damp cloth and neutral detergent.
11) Exhaust intact
The exhaust is one of the car accessories that suffers most from the wear and tear of time and the corrosive residues of fuel and oil. That’s why it’s essential to change this part of the car whenever it shows cracks and holes. Exhausts that don’t work properly are bad for the environment, as they don’t filter the gases burned during combustion and make the car very noisy.